Mandatory legal provision, the building that did not acquire property right disease cannot be made over. 强制性法律规定,没有取得产权证的房屋不能转让。
The law of evidence should establish safeguard system of witness of mandatory appearance in the court, of right of refusing bear witness and right of refusing to appear in court; The writer puts forward legislative recommended provisions. 我国证据立法中应当建立保障证人强制出庭作证的制度和证人拒绝出具证言和出庭制度,并提出了立法建议。
State right is characterized by mandatory nature, sovereignty, inequality, resources domination and autonomy and manifested in decentralized state right, monopolized state right and institutionalized state right. 国家权力具有强制性、主权性、不平等性、资源控制性和自主性等特征,表现为分散性国家权力、独占性国家权力和制度化国家权力三种结构形式。
Six from the mandatory implementation of the main sampling scope, the substantive requirements of the program elements, the right to relief, sample preservation expounded their views. 主要从强制采样的实施主体、适用范围、实体要件、程序要件、权利救济、样本的保存六个方面阐述了自己的观点。
In this section, it includes four aspects: the legislative development of compensation for mandatory restoring state-owned land-use right, the shortcomings of the existing compensation provisions and the reasons, two urgent issues for compensation for restoring state-owned land-use right. 在该部分,本文分述了三方面的内容:国有土地使用权收回补偿的立法发展、现有补偿规定存在的不足及其原因以及收回土地使用权补偿中两个亟待明确的问题。
As an entrusted agency of government supervision, the third party evaluation agency should be responsible for evaluation of capital operating and service capability of public hospitals. The evaluation behavior should be authorized and mandatory, however, they should not have the right of punishment. 第三方评估机构作为政府监督执行部门的委托代理者,主要负责对公立医院资产运营情况和服务能力的评估,其评估行为应被赋予一定的行政权威性和强制性,但不具有惩处权。
Legislation of the regional administrative is according to legal procedures enacted mandatory binding and execution of behavior specification by the regulatory right of each local government for the region of economic region which shall be jointly and legislative matters. 区域行政立法,是由区域内有规章制定权的各地方政府针对区域内须共同立法的事项,根据法定程序制定的具有强制约束力和执行力的行为规范。